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Personnel Minutes March 28, 2006
Personnel Committee                                     Present:        Robert Minardi
March 28, 2006                                                  Jeanne Shapiro
                                                                        Jay Weiser

The Personnel Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m.    Minutes of February 21, 2006 were read and approved.

Margy Diaz of the Ambulance Department met with the Personnel Committee to discuss the new full time paid emt/firefighter job description.  The Board of Selectmen have authorized the creation of this position.  The person would be responsible for responding to ambulance/EMT calls as their first priority; fire calls if an EMT is not needed and possible light police duties. They would like to have the job description ready for the town meeting.  The budget is approximately $38,000 with extra monies for vacation, sick and training coverage.  

Ms. Diaz stated she has been working on the job description criteria and will forward what she has to the Personnel Committee by Friday, April 7th.  The Personnel Committee will meet on Monday, April 10, 2006 to review.  

The details of the position still need be worked out with the fire department such as would this person get paid an overtime rate or the standard $35.00 call rate for emergencies after their shift has ended.

This position will not be supervisory.  They will report to the EMT Directors.

After Ms. Diaz left the Committee continued discussion and questioned whether they needed to review the town legal responsibilities regarding this new position? With the addition of a full-time position does the town incur more responsibility?  How does the Department of Homeland Security affect the EMT department? Should some of these duties go to this new position?

The Committee also questioned whether there should be 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. coverage?  It is self-funded, why not have two positions?

Town Secretary Linda Day will forward a copy of the firefighter job description to Margy Diaz for reference.

The Personnel Committee will propose an article for the next town meeting to amend the Personnel Bylaws, Section 1.14.3 Personnel Committee to delete the last line of the first paragraph as follows:  “The Committee shall select a clerk from its membership who shall be responsible for recording minutes of all committee meetings, in accordance with the Open Meeting Law.”

Meeting adjourned.